The Ardennais (Ardennes)  is a heavy horse belonging to both France and Belgium. It is a direct descendant of the pre-historic horses whose remains were found at Solutre; primitive features such as the skeletal formation of the head, with its distinctive, squared-off nose, are still evident in the modern breed. The Ardennais was known to both Julius Caesar and the Greek historian Herodotus, who praised them for their hardiness and stamina. Originally small, broad-bodied draught horses, the Ardennais undoubtedly formed the basis for the great horses of the Middle Ages. (Continued )

Simba du Pont de Tournay

Born in 2003, this amazing example of the Ardennes (or Ardennais) Horse now makes his home in the United States at  Clover Oaks Farm

Simba's Vitals

Height:  15 Hands
Weight: 1800 Pounds (818 Kg)
Available for Breeding:  Yes
AI Compatible: Yes

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